Books and Media

Come to the Pillsbury Free Library and browse in person, or search our online library catalog using the “Our Catalog” link at the top of every page. Our collection includes books, music, and videos for all ages and in many formats. Once you have found an item, you can request a hold in the online catalog, and our staff will set it aside for you to pick up. You can also contact our staff directly to assist with your search or to request a hold. If we do not have an item in our collection, it may be available through inter-library loan or one of our many digital resource subscriptions.

Library Catalogs

New Hampshire Libraries Catalog

If you find what you want in this catalog, fill out an inter-library loan request form for fastest response. Getting your requested title takes one to two weeks.

Free NH Downloadable Books access for cardholders of participating libraries. Please contact us for login information.

Other Catalogs

Magazines, Newspapers, and Other Periodicals

See our Periodicals page for details.

Digital Resources

See our Digital Resources page for information about electronic/downloadable books, movies, television shows, online education accounts

We also have a dedicated page for genealogy research resources.

Movies and TV Shows

The library has many movies, documentaries, and TV shows available on DVD and videocassette. You can search for these in our online catalog.

Over 30,000 movies and documentaries are also available via the Kanopy streaming service. Sign in with your library card number to create an account. The current limit is ten movies per person per month, plus unlimited kids content. Movies are checked out for three days. There is also a Kanopy app for mobile devices.

Book Clubs

See our book clubs page for information about local book clubs.

Reading Lists

See our Youth Programs page for information on children’s and teen reading lists.

New Items

Search for New Items on the Library’s online catalog. At the top of the catalog is a drop-down menu of lists we create to highlight new items and topical lists for you.

NH Downloadable Books publishes a list of new e-book and digital magazines on Friday afternoons at

Visit the NH Center for the Book website and read reviews of books with a New Hampshire connection.

Your Next Read

If you want to try more books like the one you just finished, or need to know which title comes next in a series, consider consulting Novelist or Novelist K-8, a fiction reference tool included in EBSCOhost. (Contact us for login information.)

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