Equipment Available for Public Use

The Pillsbury Free Library has multiple pieces of technology equipment available for public use or loan.

Equipment Available

  • Computers
  • Chromebooks *
  • Telephones
  • Printers
  • Photocopiers
  • Microfilm reader
  • Television **
  • Video player **
  • Film projector **
  • Electronic projector **
  • E-book readers *
  • Audiobook players *
  • Webcams *
  • Headphones
  • Scanners
  • Disk and card readers *
  • Speakers and microphones *
  • Videoconferencing Equipment **

* This equipment may be checked out for personal use at home.

** This equipment may be used in the Frank Maria Meeting Room.

Equipment Loan Policy

The Pillsbury Free Library lends some equipment as an additional service to qualified borrowers. Lending equipment allows residents, town departments, and organizations the use of items that are prohibitively expensive for an individual or for infrequent use.

  1. Borrowers must have an adult Pillsbury Free Library card in good standing.
  2. Reservations must be made in advance. Use of the equipment for library purposes will have first priority. Town use will have second priority.
  3. Borrower is financially responsible for any damages incurred or for failure to return the equipment and/or accessories. The library will determine replacement model and cost.
  4. Borrower will pick up and return the equipment on a schedule determined by the Library Director.
  5. Certain equipment, determined by the Library Director, may only be borrower by town departments, official town committee and commissions, and recognized town community organizations. Borrowing still requires a valid library card for the individual taking financial responsibility (see #3).

Privacy Booths

The Library has two privacy booths which may be used for private phone calls or quiet computer work.


The Library has a fridge, microwave, crock pot, coffee maker, and vacuum cleaner that may be used for programs and events in the Frank Maria Meeting Room. Limited consumables (coffee filters, creamer, etc.) are available, but must be replaced or paid for if used.

Please review our Policy for Use of Library Equipment, and check with a librarian to inquire about use. An Equipment Borrower’s Agreement must be signed before borrowing library equipment. See our Computer and Internet Use Policy for applicable guidance.

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