Pillsbury Free Library Circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends of Pillsbury Free Library is an informal group of people interested in supporting and promoting library services in Warner. The group was formed in 2014 by Joan Warren and Carol McCausland.

Circle of Friends Book Club

Meets every month on the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30 at the Library
This book club is open to all.

Circle of Friends program assistance for the Library

  • Bake Sales for events such as Town Meeting, annual Children’s Play, and at Book Sales
  • Book Sales helping with sorting, moving, setup, selling, and packing up and breakdown
  • Annual Spring Flea market at the Warner Town Hall – collecting items for the sale, setting up

Some recent projects

The group’s fundraising has helped achieve:

  • Renovations of the historic building ceilings and meeting room walls.
  • New flooring in the Frank Maria Meeting Room
  • Additional shelves in the Children’s Room
  • Partial funding of two Privacy Booths for quiet workspace, virtual meetings and phone calls.
  • Refinishing hardwood floor in historic section.

See also the Volunteers page for other ways you can assist the library with or without being a member of the Circle of Friends.

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