Library Policies

The Trustees maintain the following policies to guide conduct of library services. Members of the public may request to view any of these policies from a member of our staff. Digital documents will be uploaded to this list in the near future.

General Library Objectives, 2018

Who May Use the Library, 2019

Code of Conduct, 2020

Availability of Service, 2020

Collection Development, 2018

Cooperation with Other Libraries, 2020

Inter-Library Loan Policy, 2018

Library Procedures, 2020

Records Policies, 2003

Personnel Policies, 2020 (Available on request.)

Safety Policy (see Town of Warner Safety Program)

Library Volunteers, 2012

Displays and Bulletin Boards, 2005

Gifts and Loans, 2006

Library Equipment Policies, 2012

Computer Use and Internet Safety Policy, 2018

Social Media Policy, 2011

Meeting Room Policy, 2018

Adopting and Amending Policies, 2008

Investment Policy, 2023 (reconsidered annually)

Child Safety Policy, 2013

Information Systems Policy (IN PROGRESS)

Materials Reconsideration Policy and Forms, (IN PROGRESS)

Communicable Disease and Pandemic Policy, 2020

Website Privacy Policy (Draft, pending approval.)

Website Accessibility Policy (Draft, pending approval.)

Library Trustee Bylaws

PFL Trustee Bylaws, 2021

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