Policy on Availability of Library Services

Adopted February 20, 2007, updated August 18, 2020.


A.     Periodic review will be made of library services and policy to determine whether the needs of the community indicate that present services should be discontinued or other services should be added.

B.      Library services will be provided during the hours that the Library Trustees feel best meet the needs of the community and the availability of staff and funds.  Hours will be posted at the library and on the library website, warner.lib.nh.us.

C.  Holidays to be observed shall be those legally celebrated by the State of New Hampshire, and the library shall also be closed on the Saturdays of Memorial Day Weekend (sometimes), Labor Day Weekend, and Columbus Day (Indigenous Peoples’ Day) Weekend.  Additional dates for closing may be approved by the Trustees if deemed appropriate.  The Library Director will propose a calendar of dates annually, and publicize the approved dates.

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