Staff and Trustees

Staff of the Pillsbury Free Library

  • Nancy Ladd – Library Director
  • Susan Matott – Children’s Librarian
  • Roger Robbins – Library Assistant
  • Casey Milender – Library Assistant
  • Marcia Moyer – Library Aide
  • Susan Matott – Custodian
  • Lynn Madigan – Substitute
  • Rachel Parsons – Substitute
  • Deb Reznicek – Substitute

Trustees of the Pillsbury Free Library

(Officer positions as voted April 2023.)

The Board of Trustees meets at the Library in the Frank Maria Meeting Room on the third Tuesday of very month at 6:30pm unless otherwise posted. Meetings are open to the public.

  • Michael Simon (Chair)
  • Dana Myskowski (Vice Chair)
  • Nathan Kendrick (Treasurer)
  • Michael K. Brown (Assistant Treasurer)
  • Teresa Hathaway (Recording Secretary)
  • Sherry Colfer (Corresponding Secretary)
  • David Elliott
  • Lois Shea
  • Jan Gugliotti

Trustee committees meet as needed, usually monthly. Meeting dates and times are posted at the Library, Town Hall, and Warner Post Office, and on the Warner Events Calendar. The current committees are:

  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Policies and Personnel
  • Finance
  • Programs and Public Relations
  • Technology

Agendas are posted at the library and post office, and minutes are available at the library. Reports available upon request include financial summaries, the Director’s Report, and committee meeting reports.

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